Tuesday, 10 March 2015



1.       Mattress jakar cloth of a mix of 55% cotton and 45% polyester.
2.       A thick white cotton layer quilted with the jakar cover on one face of the mattress.
3.       A thick fiber layer also quilted with the jakar cover on the other face of the mattress.
4.       1 c.m layer of soft foam quilted with the jakar cover on each face.
5.       4.5 c.m of high density foam layer for each face.
6.       6 c.m width and high density side foams for the four mattress sides that hold and protect its total body.
7.       A layer of hard felt that is used for separation and giving strength to the mattress body.
8.       A steely hard European made frame that surrounds the springs.
9.       European made bonnel springs which are produced up to the universal mattress standards.
10.   Two ventilation accessories from both sides.


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